School Mourns Loss of D-ABSN Student

Devin P. Hussey, 31, a member of the D-ABSN program, died August 6 at his parents’ home in Maryland. Devin was a valued member of our community and will be greatly missed. The School of Nursing hosted a virtual gathering for faculty, staff, and students to remember Hussey in August.
According to his family, he enjoyed the outdoors and spending time connecting with other people. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from University of Maryland University College. He also worked as a certified personal trainer. At Emory, he worked to become a nurse, thus following in the footsteps of his grandmother.
The family requested donations be made to the Devin P. Hussey Memorial Fund at the Community Foundation of Howard County. Funds will be allocated to support nonprofits striving for social justice and health equity.